Cynthia Mc Leod

(Suriname, 1936) made her writer's debut with Hoe duur was de suiker? (How Costly Was the Sugar?, 1987), the novel that made her the most famous Surinamese writer overnight and was adapted for film in 2013. She was the first to describe the history, the slaving past and the colonization of her country from a Surinamese perspective. As an expert in the field, she lectures about the history of slavery at US and Canadian universities and organizes educational field and city trips. She has written historic novels, including De Vrije Negerin Elisabeth, gevangene van kleur (The Free Negress Elizabeth, Prisoner of Colour, 1992), as well as studies, children's books and children's musicals. Her No kwik in het bos (No Mercury in the Forest, 2017) is a YA novel about a ten-year-old girl and the dangers of mercury in the gold-mining process. McLeod is a daughter of Johan Ferrier, the first president of Suriname.
(WN 2020)Archive available for: Cynthia Mc Leod
Dakota's Winternachten Verhalenfestival: Talkshow
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Mylo Freeman, Vamba Sherif, Walter Palm
A talk show about the most wonderful differences in culture, habits, language and literature, addressing the theme of "What is normal". With stories from the neighbourhood as well as discussions and presentations by writer Cynthia McLeod (Suriname), children's books writer and illustrator Mylo Freeman and poet Walter Palm.
Stories and poetry from Surinam and Aruba with Cynthia McLeod and Rosabelle Illes
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Rosabelle Illes, Tuncay Çinibulak
Tip: Cynthia McLeod and Rosabelle Illes will both also appear at the festive Opening Night - A Free Mind on Wednesday, 15 January in Theater aan het Spui; at the Winternachten edition of Woorden Worden Zinnen on Thursday, 16 January at Paard; at Saturday Night Unlimited on 18 January in Theater aan het Spui and Filmhuis Den Haag; and at the Dakota's Winternachten Story Festival at the Dakota Theater on Saturday 18 January and Sunday, 19 January.
The Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod (author of The Cost of Sugar) and the Aruban poet and performer Rosabelle Illes are visiting the Schilderswijk Library on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Writes Unlimited International Literature Festival The Hague. They read from their work, tell stories about Surinam and Aruba and answer questions from the public.
McLeod writes historical novels and young adult books that take place in Surinam. As a result of researching her books, she has become an expert in the country's turbulent history, and enjoys sharing her knowledge with others. She is a true storyteller who is passionate about bringing Surinamese history to life.
Poet and writer Illes lives and works in Aruba. She writes in English and in her native tongue of Papiamento, for example in her poetry collection Spiel di mi Alma (Mirror of My Soul). On stage, Illes transforms into a true performer of her poems, sweeping up the public in a stream of words, movement and meaning.
The Winternachten International Literary Festival The Hague is celebrating its 25th anniversary! From 15 to 19 January 2020 it takes place in theatres, libraries and schools throughout The Hague: at Theater aan het Spui, Filmhuis Den Haag, the Institute of Social Studies, the Zuiderstrand Theatre and Paard, as well as the Dakota Theatre and the Schilderswijk, Ypenburg and Nieuw Waldeck libraries. More than 100 local and international writers, poets and spoken-word artists will appear for recitations, prose, poetry, storytelling, spoken word, author interviews, topical discussions, films and music.
Dakota's Winternachten Verhalenfestival: Theesessie met Cynthia Mc Leod
With: Cynthia Mc Leod
All interested are welcome to a conversation with writer Cynthia Mc Leod from Suriname, known from her novel Hoe duur was de suiker? The coffee and tea are ready! The conversation will in Dutch.
Cynthia Mc Leod writes historical novels and youth books that take place in Suriname. Through the research she has done for her books, she has gained a lot of knowledge about the eventful history of Suriname; knowledge she likes to share with others. Mc Leod is a real storyteller who passionately and enthusiastically brings the Surinamese history to life.
Wijkwinkel bij Betje is a place in Moerwijk (address: Betje Wolffstraat 181, Den Haag) where people come together and meet each other. Bij Betje was founded by the shopkeepers in the Betje Wolffstraat. They saw a shortage of social places in the neighbourhood and decided to realize a social place in their shopping street.
The neighbourhood discussion is an initiative of Writers Unlimited and Theater en Filmhuis Dakota on the occasion of the 25th Winternachten International Literature Festival The Hague (15-19 January). On Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January, the free Winternachten Verhalen Festival will take place in Theatre and FIlmhuis Dakota, with meetings with writers Cynthia Mc Leod, Walter Palm and Vamba Sherif and the music theatre performance The Bright Side of Life on Saturday. On Sunday, there will be a storytelling workshop and open stage, a children's programme with children's book writer and illustrator Mylo Freeman and a talk show.
WWZ x Writers Unlimited 2020 (featuring a.o. Sticks)
With: Benzokarim, Çağla Meknuze, Cynthia Mc Leod, Dagger DX, Elten Kiene, Guus van der Steen, Jesse Laport, Jolyn Phillips, Marco Martens, Quin Kempees, Roberta Petzoldt, Rosabelle Illes, Sticks
Performers, poetry, punchlines, music, exhibits, beer & bites in a feel-good setting during this special Winternachten edition of Woorden Worden Zinnen at PAARD in the Grote Zaal. For this special occasion we've curated a program with artists from all over the globe. One of the definite highlights was a unique performance by rapper Sticks!
The (inter-)national line-up also included Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod, composer and singer Jolyn Phillips from South Africa, Turkish poet Çağla Meknuze, the Aruban poet Rosabelle Illes, poet and performer Roberta Petzoldt, poet and performer Jesse Laport, musician and spoken-word artist Guus van der Steen, poet en performer Marco Martens and spoken-word artist Benzokarim. Plus: verses to take home by Quin Kempees, your favourite host Elten Kiene, and tasty tunes by DJ Dagger DX.
Woorden Worden Zinnen is a highly accessible platform and stage night for word art in the broadest sense. It takes place on and at stages and festivals throughout the Randstad and was founded in 2010 by spoken-word artist Elten Kiene and literary organizer Wesley Loos.
This night is powered by GUAP (
Opening Night
With: Adriaan van Dis, Angelina Enny, Antjie Krog, Cynthia Mc Leod, Ellen Deckwitz, Goenawan Mohamad, Hassnae Bouazza, Jolyn Phillips, Karin Amatmoekrim, Nelleke Noordervliet, Petina Gappah, Reggie Baay, Rosabelle Illes, Shailesh Bahoran, Sigrid Kaag, Simon(e) van Saarloos, Ton van de Langkruis, Vamba Sherif
A fantastic line-up of fifteen Dutch and international authors provided a preview of the festival with their new poetry and prose, mixed with dance performances by Shailesh Bahoran. This festive evening celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Winternachten festival with the presentation of the (Dutch language) anniversary anthology De verovering van Jupiter (Over de dekolonisatie van de geest) (Conquering Jupiter: On decolonising the mind). The festival was opened by Sigrid Kaag, Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
At the behest of Writers Unlimited, all contributors wrote a short essay, story or poem for the anthology to reflect on the festival theme. It is a unique collection of 28 wonderful pieces of writing edited by Toef Jaeger and published by Jurgen Maas. It is available at regular bookstores and online.
In the same venue in which the first Indonesian Winternacht (forerunner of Winternachten Festival) took place in 1995 - the Theater aan het Spui - on this jubilee opening night we proudly presented (inter)national writers that have developed a special bond with our festival and its audience. These included: Goenawan Mohamad (Indonesia) and Nelleke Noordervliet - who both performed at the first Winternacht in 1995 -, Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog (South Africa), Reggie Baay, Manon Uphoff, Vamba Sherif and Cynthia McLeod (Suriname). Tip: be sure to look up these writers in our online video and sound archive!
Writers Unlimited will always continue to seek out talent, and in 25 years has presented many debuting local and foreign writers. How wonderful, then, to welcome on this evening - once again, or for the first time: Angelina Enny (Indonesia), Rosabelle Illes (Aruba), Jolyn Phillips (South Africa) and, from the Netherlands, Karin Amatmoekrim, Simon(e) van Saarloos and Ellen Deckwitz. We awaited their appearances and recitations with bated breath.
Theatre maker, choreographer and hiphop innovator Shailesh Bahoran performed parts of his dance solo Heritage that was inspired by his Hindostani background; a short video of The Theatre of Wrong Decisions was shown and the Hesce Mourits Quartet of the Royal Conservatory The Hague also performed.
The Opening Night was hosted by Hassnae Bouazza.
The performance of Manon Uphoff, announced for this programme, has been canceled due to illness.
Unmasking Colonial Myths
Are we dealing with stubbornly clinging myths about colonial times? Writers Reggie Baay, Cynthia McLeod and Johan Fretz discuss colonial myths under the guidance of moderator Sarah Sluimer, with an introductory reading by Nelleke Noordervliet.
The romantic idea lives on that the Netherlands introduced civilization and welfare as a colonizer. But wasn't something specific taken away before that, namely spices and raw materials, at the cost of the local population? Do these myths manifest themselves only in our thoughts or do they also creep into our literature? Have we learned from our history?
Book of My Life: Cynthia McLeod
Writers tell us about their favourite book: the book that inspires or touches them, that set their artistic, moral or intellectual compass. In short, the book they would recommend to everyone. Interview: Hassnae Bouazza.
Cynthia McLeod,Tessa Leuwsha and Jörgen Raymann - Suriname: a new history
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Jörgen Raymann, Tessa Leuwsha
Cabaretier, acteur en presentator Jörgen Raymann ging in gesprek met schrijfsters Cynthia McLeod en Tessa Leuwsha over de geschiedschrijving van Suriname die lange tijd een Nederlandse aangelegenheid was. Cynthia McLeod bracht daar als een van de eersten via haar romans verandering in. In onder meer Hoe duur was de Suiker en De Vrije Negerin Elisabeth beschreef ze de geschiedenis van haar land vanuit een Surinaams perspectief. Ook schrijfster Tessa Leuwsha draagt bij aan het opnieuw beschrijven van de geschiedenis, aan de hand van het levensverhaal van haar grootmoeder Fansi. Leuwsha werd geboren in Amsterdam uit een Surinaams-creoolse vader en een Nederlandse moeder en verhuisde naar Suriname. In de roman Fansi's Stilte beschrijft ze onder andere hoe de slavernij, die relatief kort voor de geboorte van Fansi was afgeschaft, doorspeelde in het leven van haar grootmoeder en zelfs in dat van haar kinderen.
Cynthia McLeod, Tessa Leuwsha en Jörgen Raymann gingen donderdag 14 maart bij B-Unlimited in gesprek in het programma Suriname: een nieuwe geschiedenis.
Programma samengesteld door Toef Jaeger (Writers Unlimited)
Boekverkoop in de zaal door De Vries Van Stockum Boeken -
Tutuba - A Meet & Greet with Cynthia McLeod
With: Bromelia, Cynthia Mc Leod, Nolly Kawina
An Afro-Surinamese afternoon at the Vaillant Theatre in the heart of The Hague's Schilderswijk neighbourhood. Writer Cynthia McLeod takes you into the history of Suriname and the Netherlands, to the 1737 disaster of the slave ship Leusden. She reads from her novel Tutuba, which tells the story of the girl who survived. You will have every opportunity to talk to the writer. Of course there will also be singing and dancing and tasty Afro-Surinamese food.
This programme has been put together by Ricardo Lemmer of the Mosaic Foundation in collaboration with the Vaillant Theatre and Writers Unlimited.
With: Bas Heijne, Cynthia Mc Leod, De Règâhs, Elsbeth Etty, Mathijs Deen, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul Scheffer, Paul van der Gaag, Reggie Baay, Stefan Hertmans, Ton van de Langkruis
One of the most popular programmes on Radio 1 is VPRO's OVT (Simple Past Tense). Every Sunday the contemporary relevance of history takes centre stage.
It has become a tradition for OVT's radio professionals to relocate to The Hague during the festival in order to broadcast live from the cozy lobby of Theater aan het Spui. The public is most welcome; admission and coffee are free. The programme includes a spoken commentary by Nelleke Noordervliet, an interview with Bas Heijne on Couperus, and a focus on writer Reggie Baay and his just-published book Daar werd wat gruwelijks verricht (Something Terrible Happened There), about the hidden history of slavery in the Dutch East Indies. With live music by the The Hague band De Règâhs. Don't forget to reserve your spot via the blue link above. Programme in Dutch.
World Stories at Theater Dakota
With: Abdelkader Benali, Anton Goudsmit, Cynthia Mc Leod, Francis Broekhuijsen
There's nothing better than telling one another stories. Stories from near and far, by Hague Highschool students, by participants in the Dakota Theatre's story contest, by the public, and by writers. "At Home" is this year's theme.
Students of the Hague Highschool write stories under the guidance of drama teacher Martine Zeeman. Two writer guests of the festival also participate: Cynthia McLeod of Suriname, and Abdelkader Benali. Guitarist Anton Goudsmit provides music. Do you have a five-minute story that fits the bill? You don't even need to write it down, just tell it. You can register at the Dakota Theatre. Join us! In Dutch.
The Text of My Life: Cynthia McLeod
In the Filmhuis Studio the festival's guest writers present their favourite literary texts and explain why a particular poem, novel excerpt, or song lyric influenced their life and work. Which memory, what feeling does this text call up for them? A continuous interview programme, in which the audience also talks with the writers. Hosted by Wim Brands and Fidan Ekiz. In Dutch.
Documentary: Misi met een missie - plus a talk with Cynthia McLeod and director Wilma Ligthart
In this documentary, director Wilma Ligthart accompanies the royally distinguished Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod to places that play a role in her life and work. After the screening, film journalist Bert Jansma speaks with both women. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions as well.
The Film Choices of Cynthia McLeod
Cynthia McLeod picks excerpts from her favorite movies and tells film journalist Bert Jansma why they are so important to her. With scenes from Gone With the Wind (1939), the story of spirited Scarlett O'Hara and the American Civil War—and the occasion for the first Oscar won by a black actress (Hattie McDaniel as Mammy), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), in which lawyer Gregory Peck defends a young black man in the segregated Alabama of the 1930s.
This is Our Way — Public Discussion
This is our way, and that is their way... How do you deal with one another in an environment where so many cultures live side by side? What language do you speak? What do you do on one another's holidays? In the Netherlands we can't quite figure it out. Tonight three writers—two of them from countries with long histories of multiculturalism—provide ideas for dos and don'ts. No laws, just manners. The public will discuss these ideas. Do we adopt them or not? In Dutch.
Cynthia McLeod and Michiel van Kempen
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Mathijs Deen, Michiel van Kempen
On Friday evening July 5, Writers Unlimited The Series presented a programme on the history of slavery in Suriname. With the Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod and author and specialist on Surinamese literature Michiel van Kempen. Interview by Mathijs Deen. Dutch spoken. Central Library of The Hague, at the Spui.
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Gert Oostindie, Gilbert Wawoe, John Jansen van Galen, Mathijs Deen, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul van der Gaag, Sams, Theo Para
This year too VPRO's history programme OVT ends the festival in a live broadcast from café Dudok. The Surinamese writer Theo Para is a guest to talk about his book De Schreeuw van Bastion Veere (The Cry of Bastion Veere), dealing with the history of Surinam since the 1982 December murders. With music by singer and percussionist Victor Sams, who comes from St Eustatius.
Living together multi-coloured: the Antilles, Surinam, the Netherlands
With: Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, John Jansen van Galen, Mito Croes, Ruben Severina, Sombra
A debate. Creole, Hindostani or Javanese, Bakra, Makamba or Indian. How do the various population groups live together on the Antilles and in Surinam? Are there problems with integration or have the colour barriers been levelled? What is the difference with the Netherlands in comparison with these experienced multicultural societies?
The Netherlands is struggling with multiculturality. While within the kingdom for centuries there has been practice with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of multi-ethnic society. In Surinam all the feast-days are celebrated by all the population groups jointly, all the languages are respected. But do the groups live together or rather do they live at cross-purposes? How tangible is the distinction made according to cultural origin on the Antilles? Can the societies in the Netherlands, Surinam and the Antilles learn from one another? Mito Croes from Aruba introduced the discussion with a sketch of the situation on his island. Writer Cynthia McLeod and poet Sombra from Surinam, poet Changa Hickinson form Sint-Maarten and journalist John Jansen van Galen from the Netherlands entered into a discussion with him and the audience. The discussion was hosted by Ruben Severnina. Dutch spoken.
Dictation Sranantongo
Something new for the Netherlands! A public dictation for all those who speak Sranantongo. The lingua franca of Surinam has had an official spelling since the 1980s. But who masters it? We monitored the state of affairs: speakers of Sranantongo tested their knowledge. The best speller was singer Denise Jannah. She won the translation dictionary Sranan-Dutch/Dutch-Sranan. The dictation was compiled by Cynthia McLeod. She and Rabin Baldewsingh, alderman in The Hague, dictated the text. Writer Clark Accord, musician Ronald Snijders, singer and actor Juan Wells and actress Gerda Havertong were among the Surinamese/Dutch participants. Dutch/Sranantongo spoken.
The world goose board
In a well or in jail? Miss one turn or tell your travel story. Adriaan van Dis, Cynthia McLeod, Reggie Baay and Thomas Rosenboom played the World Goose Board, a risky journey through the world, in search of the ideal destination. Dutch spoken.
De earlier announced participation of Marjon van Royen had to be cancelled. As a correspondent for the Dutch media in Brazil, she must stay in this country to report on the landslide. Her place was taken by the Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod.
Gran Gala
With: Astra Singh, Celestine Raalte, Cynthia Mc Leod, Diana Ferrus, Dominique Martin, Eddy van der Hilst, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Ismene Krishnadath, Jeffrey Quartier, Manon Uphoff, Shahz, Sweet Melody, Tan Lioe Ie
Een spetterend Gran Gala in Thalia, met de feestelijke bekendmaking van de winnaars van de schrijffestijnen, de wedstrijden die in het kader van het festival werden uitgeschreven. Onder meer voordrachten van werk van overleden dichters, kabra-gedichten, een soko-psalm van Switi Melodia en voordrachten van een reeks nationale en internationale auteurs. En alle bezoekers werden uitgenodigd om mee te doen met het dictee Sranantongo, dat onder leiding van Eddy van der Hilst en Cynthia McLeod gegeven werd.
Writers debates
With: Brigitte Brown, Cynthia Mc Leod, EKM Dido, Farah L, Gibi Bacilio, Guillaume Pool, Guyz Nextdoor, Ismene Krishnadath, Jit Narain, Ronald Giphart, Sombra, Verginia Ceder, Willie Alberga
An evening's debating, readings and music. Various topics are debated, such as: which language should the writer choose? His or her mother tongue or the language of the largest reading public? Does the writer write for a specific group of readers? What is the role of the writers own cultural background, while writing within a multi cultural society? The debating panel consists of: Jit Narain, Guillaume Pool, Arlette Codfried, Ismene Krishnadath, Cynthia McLeod, Sombra, EKM Dido (South Africa) Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia), Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), Ronald Giphart (The Netherlands) and panel leader Willie Alberga.
Readings by Brigitte Brown and Virginia Alvarez and presented by Sombra. -
Writers lessons
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Joke van Leeuwen, Ronald Giphart
In November 2003 and February 2004 the Dutch writer, illustrator and cabaret artist Joke van Leeuwen gave several workshops for Surinam authors and illustrators. This was a joint project from the Dutch Literary Production and Translation Fund and Writers group '77. Together with Joke van Leeuwen the aspirant writers present tonight the provisional results of these workshops. Joke van Leeuwen is accompanied by the writers Cynthia McLeod and Ronald Giphart. They show what can be done with a text from its very first version to the final result in book form.
1001 identities - opening night
With: Arlette Codfried, Cynthia Mc Leod, Dansgroep Tandava, Denise Jannah, EKM Dido, Fafiri Brothers, Frits Wols, Gibi Bacilio, Joke van Leeuwen, Rappa, Ronald Giphart, Sitok Srengenge
The first night of the festival in Paramaribo offers a diverse program. Writers from five countries read from their novels and poetry. Hosted and presented by Arlette Codfried they talk about their own country and how people from different cultures live together there. Denise Jannah sings poems chosen from poets that represent the five different countries participating in this ffestival, amongst others from the winner of the State literature prize Orlando Emanuels. Cynthia McLeod, Rappa, Surianto and Frits Wols perform together with their foreign colleague writers Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), EKM Dido (South Africa), Ronald Giphart (The Netherlands), Joke van Leeuwen (The Netherlands) and Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia). The dance group Tandava dances poems from Slory and Shrinivasi. The Fafiri Brothers will provide further musical accompaniment.
District commissionership Nickerie - literary evening
With: Arlette Codfried, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, EKM Dido, Gibi Bacilio, Rappa, Ronald Giphart, Sitok Srengenge
An international program with readings by writers and poets and music, presented by Arlette Codfried. The Surinam authors Cynthia McLeod and Rappa perform together with poet/performer Gibi Bacilio from Curaçao, writer EKM Dido from Capetown, the Dutch best-selling author Ronald Giphart and one of the foremost poets from Indonesia, the Javanese Sitok Srengenge. Jazz-diva Denise Jannah presents a special program of her own, consisting of poems from five countries set to her own music.
Krusa Laman - Curaçao - writers evening
With: Barche Baromeo, Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Frank Martinus Arion, Gibi Bacilio, Laura Quast, Lupe Reyes, Nelleke Noordervliet, Rayda Jacobs, Roland Colastica, Sitok Srengenge
An evening with readings by writers and poets from South Africa, Suriname, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. With a performance by the Surinamese jazz-singer Denise Jannah, accompanied by local musicians. Jannah sang poems from Suriname, the Antilles and South Africa, accompanied by the Curacaoan guitarist Pierre Dunker and percussionist Ernie Gregorio . The programme was presented by Roland Colastica.
Krusa Laman - Curaçao - opening evening
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Frank Martinus Arion, Nelleke Noordervliet, Rayda Jacobs, Roland Colastica, Sitok Srengenge
In co-operation with Teatro Luna Blou. Frank Martinus Arion, writer from Curaçao, lead a discussion on the theme 'from fact to fiction', with writers Cynthia McLeod (Suriname), Rayda Jacobs (South-Africa) and Nelleke Noordervliet (Netherlands). These writers, and the Indonesian Sitok Srengenge, read from their work. Also a performance of the Surinamese jazz-singer Denise Jannah, accompanied by the Curaçaoan guitarist Pierre Dunker and percussionist Ernie Gregorio. Jannah sang poems from Suriname, the Antilles, the Netherlands and South-Africa. Presented by Roland Colastica.
Krusa Laman - Bonaire
With: Bòi Antoin, Cecilia Everts, Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Lupe Reyes, Nelleke Noordervliet, Rayda Jacobs, Roland Colastica, Sitok Srengenge
An evening with readings by writers and poets from South Africa, Suriname, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Bonaire. With a performance by the Surinamese jazz-singer Denise Jannah, accompanied by local musicians. Jannah will sing poems from Suiname, the Antilles and South Africa. The programme was presented by Roland Colastica.
Crusa Lama - Aruba
With: Barche Baromeo, Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Giolina Henriquez, Jacques Thönissen, Jossy Tromp, Nelleke Noordervliet, Rayda Jacobs, Roland Colastica, Sitok Srengenge
An evening with readings by writers and poets from South Africa, Suriname, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Aruba. With a performance by the Surinamese jazz-singer Denise Jannah, accompanied by local musician Ivan Jansen. Jannah will sing poems from Suiname, the Antilles and South Africa. The programme was presented by Roland Colastica.
Crossing the Seas - Sint Maarten
With: Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Frank Martinus Arion, Ian Valz, Joy Reiph-Arnell, Lyzanne Charles, Nelleke Noordervliet, Rayda Jacobs, Sitok Srengenge
An evening with readings by writers and poets from South Africa, Suriname, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. With a performance by the Surinamese jazz-singer Denise Jannah, accompanied by Anastacia Larmonie. Jannah sang poems from Suiname, the Antilles and South Africa. The programme was presented by Joy Reiph-Arnell.
Copyright The Netherlands - debate
With: Barryl Biekman, Bert Paasman, Cynthia Mc Leod, Edwin Marshall, Gibi Bacilio, Ruben Severina
The National Monument for the Commemmoration of Slavery now stands in Amsterdam. Does the historic awareness of the Surinamese and Antillian community deserve a monument as well? What is the state of history-writing in the West-Indies. Is its source still Dutch? A debate with panel and audience chaired by Henri Vijber, with among others the Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod and historian Edwin Marshall. The debate will be introduced by Barryl Biekman, chair of the National Platform for the history of Slavery. Dutch spoken.
Winternachten Bijlmer
With: Christine Otten, Cynthia Mc Leod, Gibi Bacilio, Marylin Simons, Nicole Terborg
No better poet and performer than Gibi Bacilio from Curaçao. He performs together with the Surinamese writer Marylin Simons, winner of the Kwakoe literature prize, Cynthia McLeod from Suriname and the Dutch novelist and rapping poet Christine Otten. Moderated by Nicole Terborg. Dutch spoken. An evening organised in co-operation with Krater Theater Bijlmer (
Tickets: 020 6952911
Cape Town Festival - Cape Town
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Frank Martinus Arion, Henk van Woerden, Michaël Zeeman, Seno Gumira Ajidarma
The Cape Town Festival (16 to 24 March 2002) is an annual multidisciplinary festival. This year Winternachten took care of the literary programme: a two day festival called Trade Winds, a sumptuous literary feast with spoken word, music, and video (Passaatwinde - 'n vrolijke fees rondom die gesproke woord, musiek en video).
The festival offerd - similar to theWinternachten festival in The Hague)-a parallel programme on three stages, withstand-up comedy, video, music, performing poets and discussions with writers. Michaël Zeeman presented a number of talks of the 'Winternachten-writers' with their South African collegues. Henk van Woerden and André Brink discussed 'rewriting history'; Cynthia McLeod met her fellow-writer E.K.M. Dido in a talk about'breaking down stereotypes'. Frank Martinus Arion discussed the subject of 'creolisation and hybridity' with Achmat Dangor andthe Indonesian writer Seno Gumira Ajidarma met his fellow jazzy writer Keorapetse Kgositsile, discussing writing on'jazz and struggle'.The VPRO documentary'Korreltjie Niks is my Dood' bySaskia van Schaik onthe South African poet Ingrid Jonker, had its South African premiere, with an introduction by its scenarist Henk van Woerden.
Jazz singer Denise Jannah sang her poems set to music, accompanied by Cape Town based musicians. Other participating writers and performers were Gcina Mhlope, Jeremy Cronin, Gert Vlok-Nel, Loit Sôls & Jethro, Mark Lottering and Dianna Ferrus. The audience danced into the night withmusic by DJ Jools en DJ Mtone Edjabe.
Time of the Writer - Durban
With: Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, Frank Martinus Arion, Henk van Woerden, Michaël Zeeman, Seno Gumira Ajidarma
In the festival Time of the Writer (11 to 16 March) in Durban Winternachten presented the evening programme 'Rewriting History - the Dutch Connection'.
Michaël Zeeman moderated the conversation with the four writers, who share the theme of 'rewriting history'. Jazz singer Denise Jannah performed with South African musicians. She sang love-poems frombSurinamese, Dutch, Afrikaans and Antillian literature, selected for her by the Dutch poetbGerrit Komrij. The South-African writer Nadine Gordimer also performed in this programme, reading from her literary work.In this week the four writers, Michaël Zeemanand singer Denise Jannah also gave workshops and readings at universities, schools for journalism and secondary schools in the city and in the townships. They also gave workshops foraspirant writers, and took part in a conference for writers and publishers. Denise Jannah gavea workshop with a youth choir, and presented the results in the festival.
Winternachten-photographer Serge Ligtenberg joined the group to Durban to teach two young students of photography the skill of theatre photography.
Wingewest van het geweten 2
With: André Brink, Cynthia Mc Leod, Frank Martinus Arion, Henk Schulte Nordholt, Henk van Woerden, Michaël Zeeman
In 1998 Winternachten organized a panel-discussion with the same title. During that meeting writers Frank Martinus Arion and Adriaan van Dis formed a committee for the erection of a national slavery-monument. In june 2002 the monument will be unveiled. Time for a second panel-discussion with the writers involved. For whom will this monument be? Do the Dutch have any idea of their history of slave-trading? Is this only a monument for the descendants of the slaves, now living in The Netherlands. A dicussion on historic awareness and the influence of colonial history on the national identity of the Surinamese, Antillians, Indonesians, South-Africans and the Dutch. With writers taking part from the different countries, and the audience participating in the discussion. Moderator was Michaël Zeeman. Dutch spoken.
Love Makes History
Illegal love affairs are of all times. Relationships between black and white during the era of slavery and colonialism, relationships with prostitutes, adultery - Surinam literature has a rich history of love. In this program, three Surinam authors discussed these matters. They all have their own way of processing history into 'faction': Cynthia McLeod, John H. de Bye and Clark Accord. Dutch spoken.
East- and West-Indian Winternight
With: Aart van Zoest, Arahmaiani, Arthur Japin, Astrid H. Roemer, Basha Faber, Coen Pronk, Cynthia Mc Leod, Frank Martinus Arion, Gamelan Ensemble Widosari, Grupo Zamanakitoki, Helga Ruebsamen, Michaël Zeeman, Monique Hoogmoed, Paula Gomes, Paulette Smit, Radhar Panca Dahana, Rudy Kousbroek, Shrinivási, Toeti Heraty, Warih Wisatsana
The third edition of the Indische Winternacht, this time from the East and West-Indiest. Apart form artists from Indonesia and The Netherlands, now also writers, musicans and story-tellers from Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles were invited.
Michaël Zeeman and Aart van Zoest interviewed the participating writers after their performance. They were introduced by Nelleke Noordervliet.
In the theatre programme: gamelan-music by Ensemble Widosari, stories by Coen Pronk, Moniek Hoogmoed and Paulette Smit and music by Eric Calmes and his Antillian-Dutch band Grupo Zamanakitoki.
In the film programme unique movies from the Dutch archives were shown: the first documentaries on the Dutch East-Indies, made in the beginning of the 20th century by J.C. Lammers, commissioned by the Colonial Institute. Furthermore the film Faya Lobbi , the classic documentary on Suriname from 1960 by Herman van der Horst, and Ava en Gabriel , the Antilliaanse movie from 1990 by Felix de Rooy and Norman de Palm.