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Winternacht 1

Theater aan het Spui & Filmhuis Den Haag
Tickets € 27,50 / Vroegboekprijs (voor 1 jan.) € 25,- / UITpas € 25,- / CJP, Studenten, Ooievaarspas € 13,75



Winternacht 1 offers a wide variety of literary programmes, music, film and dance in the halls and foyer of Theater aan het Spui and Filmhuis Den Haag. With a ticket you are free to walk in and out of all the programmes. You can download the programme schedule (PDF) here.

Tonight in De Hollandse lente (The Dutch Spring) Tommy Wieringa, Nazmiye Oral and Kader Abdolah report on what our country could look like, Bas Heijne and the British philosopher John Gray look into the question whether we ought to love one another and writers vent their anger in Mad as Hell.

More highlights: How to be a Dictator in Africa, Wet Dreams on a Winter's Night, the debutants of Extaze, Nigeria and Oil: The Novel and the Movie. Watch the penetrating film on the Green Revolution in Iran (The Green Wave) or the moving The Glass House, about a unique rehab centre in Tehran. There is music by Ghalia Benali, the Batiband and Trio Koenijn and in the foyer you can learn Cuban dances.

Well, actually, every programme is more than worth it! Below you'll find detailed information. Dinner in the theatre? From18.30-19.30, a fancy meal for € 15. Online booking required!