Roos Pollmann

(Amsterdam, 1988) calls herself a 'multimedial storyteller'. She likes to do a lot of things at the same time, like writing, acting in films and in the theatre, play the ukelele as awell as writing Dutch country music. Two columns of hers in Dorst (VPRO tv guide) caused Nijgh & van Ditmar publishers to ask her to write a novel. In the book, to be published early 2014, she deals with themes which often occur in her theatre work and in her columns: she is amazed about the world and sketches the struggle to grow up, sexuality often playing an important role. Pollmann acted in various theatre performances with among others Theatergroep Thomas. During the Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2013 she did the main character role in the living-room performance of Bezoek, about a young woman seeking a confrontation with herself.
(WU 2014 GR)Archive available for: Roos Pollmann
With: Roos Pollmann, Umar Mirza
A varied evening with programmes on five stages. Writers, poets, and visitors come together this evening in a festive, informal atmosphere. The writers will read from work commissioned by the festival, or from their books and discuss current themes. And at the end of the evening everyone dances the night away. Language is no problem: there are programmes in English and in Dutch. Tickets give admission to all programme parts.
Guests on Saturday Night Unlimited: Ian Buruma (VS/Netherlands), Mathijs Deen, Jan van Hooff, Marjolijn van Heemstra, Tanja Jadnanansing, Bernke Klein Zandvoort, Herman Koch, Antjie Krog (South Africa), Tom Lanoye, Fouad Laroui (NL Maroc), Ad van Liempt, Milo Manara (Italy), Connie Palmen, Anne Provoost (Belgium), P.F. Thomése, Kira Wuck, Geling Yan (China) and many others.In Zaal 1 your MC is Roos Pollman, in Zaal 2 Umar Mirza and in the foyer you will be welcomed by MC Francis Broekhuijsen.
The participation of Milo Manara in the festival has been cancelled because of family circumstances.
With: Roos Pollmann, Umar Mirza
A varied evening with programmes on five stages. Writers, poets, and visitors come together this evening in a festive, informal atmosphere. The writers will read from work commissioned by the festival, or from their books and discuss current themes. And at the end of the evening everyone dances the night away. A ticket gives admission to all programme parts. Language is no problem: there are programmes in English and in Dutch.
Amin Maalouf delivers the opening speech, Ian Buruma presents his film choice, authors read tirades (in cooperation with the literary magazine Tirade) or tell about the Text of their Life, while those nominated for the VSB Poetry Award perform together with poet/rapper Typhoon.
Other guests on Friday Night Unlimited: Abdelkader Benali, Arie Boomsma, Wim Brands, Linda Christanty (Indonesia), Saskia De Coster (Belgium), Aminatta Forna (GB/Sierra Leone), Rodaan Al Galidi (NL Iraq), Amin Maalouf (France/Lebanon), Andrés Neuman (Spain/Argentina), Elisabeth van Nimwegen, Roos Pollmann, Simone van Saarloos, Andries Samuel (South Africa), Alfred Schaffer, Nihad Sirees (Syria), Petra Stienen and many others.
In Zaal 1 your MC is Roos Pollman, in Zaal 2 Umar Mirza and in the foyer you will be welcomed by MC Francis Broekhuijsen.
Programme changes: Geling Yan will not perform tonight, for health reasons. Tomorrow, at Saturday Night Unlimited, she will be present.
The Text of my Life: Roos Pollmann
Which texts from world literature has Dutch writer and actress Roos Pollman cherished as long as she lives? This most beautiful or most inspiring text can be a poem, an excerpt from a novel or a song-text. She discusses the text with the audience. In Dutch.