Pieter Boskma

(Leeuwarden, NL, 1956) studied several languages, East Asian art history, and anthropology from 1977 to 1984. In 1984 he self-published his debut poetry collection Virus, virus, and in the late eighties he joined Maximalen, a group of poets who called for more action in poetry. Since then he has written a dozen further collections as well as stories and novellas. One of his most impressive titles is De aardse komedie (The Earthly Comedy), an enormous "novel poem" that rivals the great poetry of the past. After the death of his wife he wrote the memorable grieving volume Doodsbloei (Deathbloom), followed by the extatic song of renewal Mensenhand (Human Hand) that brings to life his new wife, Hera. The 2015 collection Zelf (Self) articulates how Boskma's grief for his wife penetrates to the core of his poetic being; it was nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize. Boskma's poems have been translated and published in China, the Czech Republic, France, and the United States. In 2012, he was one of the poets who participated in "The New York to Pittsburgh and Back Dutch Poetry Tour."
Archive available for: Pieter Boskma
Hello, Poetry and Music
At the end of the evening, let yourself be seduced by poetry from home and abroad. Listen to young poets Jeroen van Rooij and Runa Svetlikova and meet acclaimed poets like Adonis and Michael Krüger. MC Anna Luyten also introduces three nominees of the VSB Poetry Prize: Geert van Istendael, Maud Vanhauwaert and Pieter Boskma. Varied music by Dick van der Harst and his musicians will let you dream the night away. As a special commission by the festival, he sets one of Adonis' poems to music.
The seers - poetic visions
Climbers of mount Olympus, romantic idealists, Doktor Spocks and bungyjumpers to hell, write themselves a poetic road to the future. Four poets and their vision: Pieter Boskma, Ruben of Gogh, Astrid Lampe and Christine Otten were commissioned by Winternachten to write a visionary poem. They recite their poems and discuss it with Joris van Casteren. Christine Otten is accompanied by saxophone player Jan Klug.