Jan van Hooff
(Arnhem, 1936) is emeritus professor in ethology and social ecology. Van Hooff grew up in Burgers' Zoo in Arnhem of which his parents were the directors. His maternal grandfather, Johan Burgers, founded the zoo and his brother Antoon was its director later on. Van Hooff studied biology with among others Niko Tinbergen and Desmond Morris and did his Ph.D. on social behaviour and communication among primates. Especially his studies on laughter and smiling in primates drew attention. As a professor at the universities of Utrecht and Wageningen he studied social behaviour in primates such as orang-utans and chimpansees. He did fieldwork in Indonesia and in Burgers' Zoo, looking at how animals live together in group structures and how they solve conflicts. In July 2013 he enthusiastically presented a programme on 'monkey business' with Teleac-NTR. Van Hooff is a scientific member of the Board of Burgers' Zoo and until recently was secretary-general of the International Primatological Society and chair of the Jane Goodall Institute in the Netherlands.
(WU 2014 GR)Archive available for: Jan van Hooff
Talking to the scientist: Jan van Hooff
Expert on primates Jan van Hooff joins host Francis Broekhuijsen's regulars' table. While he signs his books we listen to his favourite music. And talk about privacy in the animal kingdom. In Dutch.
Nothing to hide! A debate with the audience
Nothing to hide, my whole life on Facebook. Or rather, surely not? Why should we bother about privacy and how to use it in the social media? What are the differences in outlook between youngsters and the older generation? In a Socratic conversation we try to find the core of our need for privacy and what the unwritten rules of Facebook and Twitter are. During the search, we are aided by three experts, philosopher and writer Connie Palmen, primatologist Jan van Hooff and Maurits Martijn, a journalist and expert in the field of privacy and surveillance. In Dutch.