Ibrahim Isa

(Jakarta, 1930) is a publicist and since 2002 works as asecretary of the Wertheim Foundation in Leiden. This foundation supports the emancipation movement in Indonesia. Since 1966 Ibrahim Isa was active in the struggle against the Suharto regime. Since then he wrote many political essays. In 2002 a selection of these essays, called Stem van een Banneling (Voice of an exile) has been published in Jakarta. A second and a third selection are in preparation. Since 1986 Ibrahim Isa lives in Amsterdam.
Archive available for: Ibrahim Isa
Indonesia: the hidden history of 1965.
The events around the removal of Soekarno by Suharto in 1965 leave many unanswered questions. Who was behind the coup and the violent consequences? In Indonesia only now the stories are being heard of the murders and persecution of thousands of assumed communists. Tv journalist and writer Aad van den Heuvel was present at that time and wrote about this in one of his books. In this programme he described the dubious role inthe preparations of the coup of the Dutch priest Beek. He and the Indonesian exiles Isa Ibrahim and Franciska Fanggideaj illuminated this hidden history. Including historical film fragments from Indonesia. Paul van der Gaag (presentor of the VPRO's O.V.T. programme) was the panel chairman. Dutch language.