Gerrit van Dijk
began his career as a painter, after training at the Academie voor Kunst en Architectuur in Tilburg. As painting did not give him sufficient means to express himself, he started making animation films in the early 1970s. Both nationally and internationally Van Dijk counts as a leading animation filmmaker, which appears from the many prizes his films have won him. Van Dijk sees his animation films as 'moving paintings' which - in contrast to 'still paintings' - offer him the possibility to influence the element of time in his work. His work emanates a strong social engagement.
Archive available for: Gerrit van Dijk
Satire in film: the film choice of animation filmmaker Gerrit van Dijk
Both nationally and internationally Van Dijk is known as a leading animation filmmaker. He sees his animation films as 'moving paintings', offering him the possibilities to influence the element of 'time' in his work. He shows a great social engagement, as appears in Jute (1997) in which he speaks out on once controversial subjects such as apartheid and the presence of Dutch UN soldiers in Lebanon. Gerrit van Dijk showed a selection of his films and told about the role of satire in his work. Dutch spoken.