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VER - Virtual Poetry

VR installation by poet Dorien Dijkuis about distance, desire and communication. Free entrance. Dutch spoken.

Theater aan het Spui - foyer
Gratis toegang
VER, a virtual poetry installation by Dorien Dijkhuis
VER, a virtual poetry installation by Dorien Dijkhuis

Is it possible to purely 'experience' a poem? Can you skip the brain, as it were, and take a shortcut to the heart or whatever place it is where poetry stirs your soul?

That question was the starting point for poet Dorien Dijkhuis to combine Virtual Reality with poetry. Her VER (in English: Far) is a poetic Virtual Reality experience about distance, desire and communication. The experience takes about seven minutes to watch.

Dorien Dijkhuis developed the VR installation VER in collaboration with creative director Harm van de Ven, illustrator Suzan Hijink and composer/violinist Myrthe van de Weetering.

Experience language, images, music and blue one on one! Rather than virtual reality, the makers call it virtual poetry: a three-dimensional experience where poetry comes first.