Rode Rozen

Rode Rozen is made by Allerd van den Bremen (composition and piano), Renée van Marissing (text), David Lucieer (drums and acting) and Wessel van der Wal (bass and voice). Red Roses makes concise musical theatre in which sound and the spoken word occupy central stage. The company was founded by textwriter Renée van Marissing, composer Allerd van den Bremen and dramaturge Anneke Jansen. Together they made Dansen, Lopen, Rammen (Dancing, Running, Ramming) and - in cooperation with theatre company Els inc. - a radio play version of Ingmar Heytze's Ik ben er voor niemand (I'm there for no one). They devised the audio installation + live performance Het huis en de ruimte (The House and the space) for the exhibition Aura (Castrum Peregrini), followed by projects like Petites Misères, kleine ongemakken en het menselijk leven (Petites Misères, small inconveniences and the human factor), a musical radio play for the museum night at the Van Gogh Museum. In addition Rode Rozen makes a bi-monthly radio play for voor Hard Hoofd, the online daily for art and journalism.
(WU 2012GRGR)Archive available for: Rode Rozen
Rode Rozen (Red Roses)
Rode Rozen makes intimate musical theatre and looks for an autonomous combination between text and music. Composer Allard van den Bremen and theatre writer Renée van Marissing earlier made performances for the Van Gogh Museum, among others, and bimonthly convert impressions which they've had with a piece of visual art into text, music and sound. Tonight the source of inspiration is Another Country by writer James Baldwin. In Dutch.