Ratna Saptari

is researcher with the International Institute of Social History (IISG) in Amsterdam. She is coordinator of the research programme 'Changing Labour Relations in Asia' at the same institute. Her present research is aimed at the cigarette industry, trade unions and the social movement in Indonesia. Her articles have been published in anthologies and in various magazine and journals. She is co-editor of The Household and Beyond: Cultural Notions and Social Practices in the Study of Gender in Indonesia, Curzon Press-NIAS (1999) and of Labour in Southeast Asia: Local Processes in a Globalized World (in preparation). At the moment she is working on a book about the labour communities of the cigarette industry in East Java.
Archive available for: Ratna Saptari
Who is the boss?
Along the railroads and in the harbours and the mines Indonesian workers worked in the service of the Dutch oppressor or the local native elite. How did these workers, but also the domestic workers and betjak drivers undergo the change from colonial rule to the unitary state? Ho did race, gender, social class local circumstances and power changes determine these experiences? Researcher and coordinator Ratna Saptari reported.