Raoul Heertje
(Bussum, 1963) as a stand-up comedian, tv maker and writer likes to mop the floor with – in his eyes – often stupid politicians and journalists. In 2009 he began his own talk show with VPRO, Heerlijk, eerlijk Heertje (delicious, honest Heertje). In this programme he showed that many seemingly spontaneous processes in tv programmes are actually precooked. In 1990 Heertje introduced the stand-up comedy in the Netherlands with the launch of the Comedytrain. He is also the initiator of Comedy Café Toomler in Amsterdam. Heertje is especially known as team captain of the tv programme Dit was het Nieuws (the Dutch version of Have I got news for you) cooperating sincs 1995. In addition he writes. He wrote columns and interviews for among others Vrij Nederland, Sportweek, NRC Handelsblad and Het Parool, which were published in book form. In 2009-2010 he made the VPRO programme Wintergasten (Winter guests). Raoul Heertje also performed in foreign comedy clubs and was a guest in various foreign tv programmes, such as Ruby Wax' show. Right now he is working on a new book Circus Nederland (Circus the Netherlands), on the media and manipulation, which will appear in 2011.
(nov 2010)Archive available for: Raoul Heertje
In search of the Golden Rule II
Is there such a thing a A Golden Social Rule to connect people of different cultures? Indian writer Tarun Tejpal and Dutch writer Bas Heijne try to find it. Which rules have become obsolete because of the worldwide economic crisis and the change of the power-balance in the world? What kind of rules were they? And what should take their place. Maybe it is impossible to create shared rules for a world that is changing so fast. Or isn't it? What kind of rules would they be? How would they come into being in the dazzling mix of religions and social diversity in India, Tejpals fatherland? Tarun Tejpal does not only write novels, but, like Bas Heijne, publishes articles and essays in newspapers and magazines. Host: Markha Valenta. In English
Love's Golden Rules
At the end of the evening writers Ramsey Nasr and Marja Pruis will go in search of Love's Golden Rules in the grote zaal. What are the most important and sincerest rules in love? And who has written about it in the most beautiful terms? Writing about love is an art because it's such a great and sweeping emotion. Because it's either over the top, or too sweet. How to prevent that from happening? And are there any writers who show this well? The writers read the most beautiful love lines. Dutch.
In search of the Golden Rule III
What if you have to work in a country that puts you under all kinds of legal restrictions? Shahriar Mandanipour, expelled from Iran, wrote about the censorship that he had to deal with as a writer. Xue Xinran worked as a radio journalist in China from 1980, until she moved to London in 1997. She wrote books in which she gives a voice to the memories of Mao's contemporaries; people who still find it hard to tell openly about his matter. What to do as a writer if you have to work under circumstances that make it difficult or even impossible to write what you want? Is there a Golden Rule that guides you through this, a principle? Host: Markha Valenta. In English.
In search for the Golden Rule I: the Dutch and rules
In the search for the Golden Rule the first question that comes up is: what is our relationship with rules? In 1962 teenager Gerard Spong came from Surinam to the Netherlands. It was the beginning of a decade in which our country would change deeply in character. Religious rules, rules of life, sexual rules; everything was under review to make place for a new generation of those who tolerated and of fortune hunters. Young Spong saw it all happening and decided to study law; the profession preeminently dealing with rules. Eventually he became one of the most successful criminal law attorneys in the Netherlands. Now, looking back, he takes stock; how do the Dutch relate to rules? Have things run their course and are we experiencing the comeback of strict legislation? Or is there an element of truth in the myth that the Dutch won't be told what to do? After Spong's account writer Bas Heijne will talk with him. In Dutch
Humour in anxious days
In the media we often get to see angry muslims from the Arab world. You would almost think that they have nothing to laugh about and that we in the West have a bigger sense of humour. A programme hosted by Raoul Heertje on subjects and taboos concerning humour in the Arab and western worlds. Provocative cabaret artist André Manuel opens the debate with a column. Other participants are imam Abdulwahid van Bommel, Egyptian writer Ra'oef Moes'ad Basta, who lives in the Netherlands, and Kees van Kooten. With live jokes from the East and the West. In Dutch.