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Rachida Azough

Rachida Azough - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Rachida Azough - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(1975) studied English language and literature and social geography at the University of Amsterdam. Subsequently she worked as a translator of scripts for film production companies and as a copywriter for art institutions such as the Theater Instituut Nederland. In 2001 she became allround editor for de Volkskrant writing among others things on the multicultural society, the media, economics and art. She wrote several articles for the series 'What is leftwing?' published by Meulenhoff. She is on the board of the international filmfestival Africa in the Picture.

(WIN 2006)

Archive available for: Rachida Azough

  • Winternachten 2007 – WINTERNACHT 1

    In search of pure Islam

    Hosted by writer/journalist Joris Luyendijk, journalist Rachida Azough and writer/essayist Ian Buruma talked to the Moroccan/Dutch writer Fouad Laroui on his book On Islamism. A Personal Rebuttal. He dissects and refutes the principles of islamism as a collective, political and totalitarian religion, blocking free, individual belief. What remains is pure religion. Journalist Rachida Azough replaced Naïma Azough. Dutch spoken.