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Nenden Lilis

Nenden Lilis - 1999
Nenden Lilis - 1999

(Malangbong-Garut, West-Java, 1971). Author of novellas, essays, reviews – which appeared in many Indonesian media and several collections. She supports the reformasi with her poetry and by taking part in political demonstrations.

Archive available for: Nenden Lilis

  • Winternachten 1999 – Winternacht 1

    Reformations in Indonesia

    The call for reformations in Indonesia became louder and louder. The poets' voices were also heard. The critical poet and theatre-performer Rendra introduced his younger collegue-poets. Soni Farid Mauluna, Nenden Lilis, Agus R. Sardjono and Arahmaiani read from their work, together with Rendra. They discussed their poetry and the reformation process with the Dutch newspaper Indonesia-correspondent Dirk Vlasblom and Henk Maier, professor in Malaysian and Indonesian Language and Literature at Leiden University.