Naeeda Aurangzeb
is van Pakistaanse afkomst. Ze studeert Cultuur, Organisatie en Management aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Ze presenteert voor Radio West en is tevens werkzaam bij het Volksbuurtmuseum in Den Haag. Daarnaast is ze actief als vrijwilliger in verscheidene Islamitische jongeren- en vrouwenorganisaties. Ze is lid van de stuurgroep Islam en Burgerschap.
WN 2002
Archive available for: Naeeda Aurangzeb
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With: Bram Lomans, Hans Sahar, Mala Kishoendajal, Naeeda Aurangzeb, Sjaak Bral, Willem Post, Wim Willems
A local start for the festival: a public debate for and by citizens of The Hague on the new identity of the inhabitants of this royal city. On the social cohesion of a city that is rapidly changing colour. Is the elder citizens' complaint justified that their city is no longer the same? Is a new local identity emering among the younsters? An evening in co-operation with the Haagsche Courant. Stand-up comedian Sjaak Bral will open the debate with his spoken column. Dutch spoken.