Lourens van Haaften

(1980) has been playing the guitar for almost 20 years and has been a teacher for 10. Most people know him from his time with the Dutch language nu metal band Van Katoen. In addition he busies himself among other things with dreamlike music by People You Know (formerly Sneakerfreak). He also produced an album with singer/lyricist Raj Mohan. In 2004 he graduated from the Utrecht Conservatory.
(WU 2012)Archive available for: Lourens van Haaften
Dream Language
'Come to me, my language, come back', Derek Walcott wrote. How does it feel to write in another language than your own? Does this new language also become the language in which you dream? Asis Aynan presents Ahmad Al Malik, Rodaan Al Galidi, Raj Mohan and Chika Unigwe, who will share their experiences. With musical accompaniment by guitarist Lourens van Haaften. In Dutch.