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Ismene Krishnadath

Ismene Krishnadath
Ismene Krishnadath

(1956) in 1993 the first author to receive the State prize for Juvenile literature for her book entitled Nieuwe streken van koniman Anansi (New mischief by koniman Anansi). Initially Ismene Krishnadath is an educationalist. Her literary career began in 1989 with a collection of children's stories, entitled De flaporen van Amar (The big ears of Amar). Afterwards came Lees Mee (Read together), a reading series for beginners, and a juvenile novel Lijnen van Liefde (Lines of love). In 1995 her novel Satyem was published, the story of a Javanese immigrant, a woman with courage, ingenuity and magical talents.
Veren voor de piai (Feathers for the piai) (1992) and De opdracht van Fodewroko (Fodewroko's task ) (2001) are juvenile novels, from which young people can learn quite a lot about the history and cultures of Surinam. As well as an author Ismene Krishnadath is also a publisher of her own work and chairman of the Writers group '77.

(NLPVF 2002)

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