Hadjar Benmiloud

(Amsterdam, 1989) is a writer, columnist and radio presenter. She was only 15 when asked to write for the adolescent website Spunk. The clear and candid way in which she sketches the world of adolescents caught the eye and NRC Handelsblad asked her to publish her columns in the paper too. A compilation of her best pieces appeared in book form under the penname Überpuber. Her columns often deal with sex, drugs, traumas, discrimination, boredom and other daily discomforts. It wasn't only praise she got. Her bravura and arrogant attitude earned her death threats too. Since 2008 she has been a regular columnist for the daily Metro. Hadjar Benmiloud has a Dutch mother and an Algerian father. She grew up in Paris, Amsterdam, Hollywood (where her father lives) and Zutphen. In 2008 she wrote the script of the theatre production Na mij de zondvloed (Tomorrow we die) together with director Janwillem Slort, played by the Poldertheater. Until August 2008 she presented the music programme Lijn5 on NPS. Since 2009 she has been doing a radio training with BNN. One of her reports was nominated for the RVU Radio Award 2009. www.hadjar.nl.
(WU 2012)Archive available for: Hadjar Benmiloud
Mad as Hell - part 2
Hadjar Ben Miloud, Massih Hutak and Nii Ayikwei Parkes enter the stage one by one and for a couple of minutes turn off their sense of nuance, eventualities, 'perhaps this could be seen from another perspective' and other footnotes. On stage it is the belly of literature speaking. Of course they remain men and women of letters, so expect an eloquent, passionate avalanche of words. Warning: not for the tenderhearted. In English and Dutch.