Eric Molina

(Bonaire, 1943) after passing his secondary school teaching certificate in bookkeeping worked at various accountants offices and banks, among others on Aruba, after which he finished a study in Business Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. As an economics teacher he worked at various secondary schools in The Hague. He has always been interested in Papiamentu. From 1994 to 2004 he was involved in the SPLIKA foundation, founded at the time by Ruben Severina. SPLIKA stands for Stimulá (stimulating) Papiamentu Literatura Informashon (Information) riba Kultura (about the culture) di Antianan abou (of the Antillian Leeward Islands).
(WU2012)Archive available for: Eric Molina
Changá: The great Dubbelspel (Double Play) Translation Game
Finally the great Curaçaoan novel Dubbelspel (Double Play) by Frank Martinus Arion has appeared in Papiamento. Tonight we'll test the knowledge of Papiamento of the Curaçaoans, Bonaireans and Arubans living in the Netherlands. How to translate the Dutch of the novel into Papiamento? Translator Lucille Berry-Haseth had to make a number of difficult choices. The prominent Papiamento speakers Erik Molina, Olga Orman, Igma van Putte en Gilbert Wawoe, the audience and the writer himself will play the great Double Play translation game, hosted by Ruben Severina. Members of the audience can win prizes in this translation game by giving the correct translation of some tricky sentences. Papiamento expert Igma van Putte leads the jury end explains the choices the translator had to make. Changá!