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Celeste Johannes

Celeste Johannes - foto Ton van de Langkruis
Celeste Johannes - foto Ton van de Langkruis

(Curacao, 1972) since 1994 has lived in the Netherlands, where she studied business administration at the Erasmus University. Already during her student days she was active in the Antillean community. In 1998 she was the co-organisator of the symposium De Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba op weg naar het nieuwe millennium", (The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba on their way towards a new millenium), where the prime minister at that time, Mrs. Suzanne Camelia-Römer, was one of the speakers. Since 2002 Celeste Johannes is chairwoman of the foundation Splika, which promotes language, literature and culture of the Leeward Islands. This foundation's goal is to promote the Antillean language, literature and culture in the Netherlands, and within the Antillean community help research and promote their own identity.

Archive available for: Celeste Johannes

  • Winternachten 2004 – WINTERNACHT 2

    Dreams and ideals from the Antilles

    What would the Antilles have looked like if the revolution of 1969 had not been surpressed? Barche Baromeo sketches that other future in his novel E Parto. Lasana Sekou from Saint Martin, in his fierce resistance poems, and Carel de Haseth from Curaçao, in a more modest tone, also dream of a new future for their islands.