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Wintercafe 3: New Etiquettes, please!

Winternachten 2 -
Aan de Marokkaanse dis met Esma Abouzahra - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Aan de Marokkaanse dis met Esma Abouzahra - foto Serge Ligtenberg

It is back again! Etiquette! As if it had never gone. The shops offer us a wide range of books that answer questions on how to pick up or put down your fork or knife, how to court a person, and when to sit down or stand up. Etiquette expert Beatrijs Ritsema explains how you pass a real Dutch six course dinner. This crash course is accompanied by a tasteful Moroccan version. Esma Abouzahra lets you taste the rules of the Moroccan meal in word and action. It is up to you to select the ingredients from this hodge-podge of rules. Enjoy the meal! Host: Sanna Andréa-Dia. At the end of this hour there is a performance by saxophonist and composer Maarten Ornstein and Joshua Samson (percussion). Ornstein composed music to texts of the Lebanese writer Iman Humaydan. Programme in Dutch.