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The Voice of the City - Very Short Stories

Friday Night Unlimited -
De Stem van de Stad: Haagse scholieren lezen hun Zeer Kort Verhaal voor; Matthijs Sluiter maakt er live illustraties bij, Friday Night Unlimited, Writers Unlimited Festival 2025.
De Stem van de Stad: Haagse scholieren lezen hun Zeer Kort Verhaal voor; Matthijs Sluiter maakt er live illustraties bij, Friday Night Unlimited, Writers Unlimited Festival 2025.

Students of the John Dewey College in The Hague interpreted De stem van de stad (the Voice of the City) in a Very Short Story. They were inspired to write these stories during writing workshops at school and a walk through The Hague, led by Diann van Faassen.
While they presented their stories, Matthijs Sluiter created live illustrations of the movement of the walk through the city as an extra interaction between words and images.