Book of My Life: George Abraham in conversation with Ellen Deckwitz

Writers told us about their favourite book: the book that inspires or touches them, that set their artistic, moral or intellectual compass. In short, the book they would recommend to everyone. Interview: Ellen Deckwitz.
George Abraham spoke about Gate of the Sun (2000), one of the best-known books by Lebanese writer, advocate of the Palestinian cause and university lecturer Elias Khoury, who died in 2024. In an emergency hospital of the Shatila Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Beirut, fate has brought two men together. Joenis, a freedom fighter who made his mark in the 1948 war, lies in a coma. His protégé Khaliel, a 40-year-old Palestinian nurse who was born in the camp and never saw his homeland, refuses to accept that his hero is doomed.