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The future is not a fairy-tale

Theater aan het Spui - grote zaal
€ 13,- (Uitpas € 11,50, studenten/cjp/ooievaarspas € 6,50)
De toekomst is geen sprookje - foto Serge Ligtenberg
De toekomst is geen sprookje - foto Serge Ligtenberg

Once apon a time there was a girl, that climbed to the top of a tower of books, high above the clouds. What is the view like up there? Is she safe? What will become of her? Authors Manon Uphoff and Thea Doelwijt, writer and performer Said El Haji, philosopher and writer André Klukhuhn, author and stand-up comedian Joke van Leeuwen and poet and rebel Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer wrote a fairy-tale for her. They give her a future, perhaps they will even present her with an ideal. Will she be happy? Listen to six adult fairy-tales and a conversation with the writers, led by Michaël Zeeman.