Indo-European parents: stories behind the silence - Reggie Baay & Adriaan van Dis
Podium B - Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag, Spui 68, 5e etage
Gratis toegang voor studenten en scholieren. 7,- voor leden bibliotheek, Ooievaarspas en CJP. Normale prijs 10,-
A programme in Dutch on the colonial heritage in Indo-European families in The Netherlands. Writers Adriaan van Dis and Reggie Baay both wrote autobiographical novels on the lives of their parents, during the Second World War in Indonesia, and the Indonesian struggle for independence in the years after. When the parents die, the children try to reconstruct the real story that was never told to them.
Hosted by Paul van der Gaag (VPRO radio O.v.t.)
Curated by Ton van de Langkruis (Writers Unlimited). Bookselling by Van Stockum Boekverkopers