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Falling is like flying

Manon Uphoff and Filemon Wesselink

Podium B - Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag, Spui 68, 5e etage
Gratis toegang voor studenten en scholieren. 7,- voor leden bibliotheek, Ooievaarspas en CJP. Normale prijs 10,-
Manon Uphoff & Filemon Wesselink | Writers Unlimited 28 november 2019 - foto: Frank Ruiter (Uphoff), Michel Snater (Wesselink)
Manon Uphoff & Filemon Wesselink | Writers Unlimited 28 november 2019 - foto: Frank Ruiter (Uphoff), Michel Snater (Wesselink)

Writer Manon Uphoff was a guest at Writers Unlimited on Thursday 28 November. She talked about her controversial book Vallen is als vliegen (Falling is like flying), a novel about sexual violence in a family, partly based on her own experiences. Interview: Filemon Wesselink. Dutch spoken.

Event curated by Ilonka Reintjens (Writers Unlimited)
Books for sale courtesy of De Vries Van Stockum Books