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Anna Luyten in Conversation with Connie Palmen

Theater aan het Spui - Zaal 2
€ 15,- (UITpas: € 12,50; CJP/Studenten/Ooievaarspas: € 7,50). Combinatieticket met het de hieraan voorafgaande NRC leesclub over Palmen's Lucifer: € 25,-

"All great literature is about the fight against evil." Connie Palmen places these words in the mouth of the poet Ted Hughes in her most recent novel, Jij zegt het (Whatever You Say), a fictional autobiography of the poet who stayed silent for 35 years after the 1963 suicide of his wife, poet Sylvia Plath. But how can Palmen's character fight against evil while being conscious of the fact that violence and destruction lurk at the core of love? When destruction and creation alternate as predominant forces in a love relationship? When his own rational and animal instincts are always locked in battle? Does this struggle even make sense when everything is written in the stars? Connie Palmen examines these dilemmas in an interview with Anna Luyten. How does she herself see Hughes' story in relation to reality?

Prior to this event you can attend the NRC Book Club Live, which discusses Connie Palmen's novel Lucifer.