Paul Röttger
finished his studies at the Arnhem Theatre School in 1976. During the first two years he acted regularly in film and television productions, but afterwards chose the stage. He worked for the Ro theatre company for ten years and acted under director Franz Marijnen in amongst others Tartuffe and Pinokkio, under Karst Woudstra in De opera van Smyrna and under Jos Thie and Antoine Uitdehaag Mordred in Merlijn . After this he stepped over as freelancer and acted in amongst others Amadeus and de Wijze Kater (The wise tomcat) . He teaches, directs and is head of the Rotterdam Centre for Theatre. In 2005, together with Peter Tuinman, Karel de Rooij and Peter de Jong, he acted in Samuel Beckett's Wachten op Godot (Waiting for Godot).
Archive available for: Paul Röttger
In search of the independent mind - part 3
The evening closes with a discussion between all the participants of the search. Perhaps from this they can come to some conclusions as to how independent thinking can be protected. And last but not least Samuel Beckett's vision on human thinking: actor Paul Röttger plays Lucky's monologue from Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot. Michaël Zeeman chairs the discussion. Dutch spoken.