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Here's the key image of Winternachten 2022

affichebeeld Winternachten internationaal literatuurfestival Den Haag 2022 - ontwerp Eindeloos / foto Lois Cohen & Indiana Roma Voss
affichebeeld Winternachten internationaal literatuurfestival Den Haag 2022 - ontwerp Eindeloos / foto Lois Cohen & Indiana Roma Voss

Searching for a key image to go with the theme 'house/home' of the Winternachten Festival 2022 (January 19-23), we found the strong photo series Metamorphosis (2018) by Lois Cohen and Indiana Roma Voss. On the poster image Vivienne van Leeuwen designed with their Power Ranger photo from this series, this female role model asks the core question of the festival program: Whose House is This?

During the 27th Winternachten International Literature Festival The Hague writers, poets and artists answer this question from various angles in readings and conversations. Is home safe and secure, is there violence or inequality of power, is it haunted or should we be looking for an extraterrestrial home? What goes on in the homes of democracy, society and literature?

In the portrait series Metamorphosis, Lois Cohen and Indiana Roma Voss gave a contemporary makeover to what they see as outdated female ideals of beauty from art history, religion and pop culture. In their photos they change the stereotypical representation of women. For the series, they created a Venus, an Odalisque, a Barbie and a Bond girl, among others. They hope that the new elements they add to the originals will become the norm.

We asked Lois and Indiana if we could use the Power Ranger photo from the series as the main image for the Winternachten Festival 2022. They agreed! Like the festival, this Power Ranger (and the other portraits) questions existing power relations and offers alternatives.

Essay door Sophie Wright in Lens Culture over Metamorphosis
Instagram van Lois Cohen
Instagram van Indiana Roma Voss

Posted on: Monday 6 September 2021