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Winternachten The Hague 1999

Winternachten 1999

Fri 29 January - Sun 31 January 1999

was the central theme of Winternachten 1999, the fourth edition since 1995, with programmes around anthologies of South-African, East-Indian, Surinamese and Papiamentu literature. Also there were discussions with writers on the themes of jewish South-Africa, poets of the Reformasi, the search for East-Indian South-Africa,and a programme around the poet Breyten Breytenbach. In the film programme a retrospective was shown on director Pim the la Parra, together with a number of recent Surinamese, Antillian and South-African films. From all the countries involved there was music and stand-up comedy. The festival ended with a Live Anthology.


Friday 29 January 1999  